I wrote these goals in May of 2013, and I think it's time to evaluate them, and write version 4.0 long-term goals. I might call them that, instead of yearly goals. Some of them that aren't finished will be on the next list.
1.) Earn greater than, or equal to, NNN,NNN in revenues in my business ventures.
* It is OK to spend a ton of this on growing revenues.
For 2013, I was at about 80% of this, and for 2014 I was at about 120%. When I broke this down by income category, my rental property income was significantly higher than anticipated due to fortunate opportunities that presented themselves (which would have been difficult to plan for), and my software development income greatly improved in 2014 due to really focusing on sales. 2015 is going very, very well at about 180% of my goal. Expenses are mounting, but no where near revenues. Overall, I am happy with how this goal turned out, and I'll continue to increase this goal and try and grow financially. Lately, I've been trying to align my financial goals with those of other people, and hire them to help me in my ventures. This has accelerated a number of my plans, and helped provide people with money, experience and confidence.
2.) Win a “B” singles handball tournament.
* Travel to one every money, as cash allows.
* Practice, Practice, Practice (Add this to daily, weekly, and monthly goals.)
100% on this. My first one was in Santa Fe, not long after writing these goals. I then placed 2nd in the “B”s in Tuscon, which has significantly better handball players than anywhere else in the world, due to both U.S. handball associations being based there. I took the “B” doubles with my partner Gerald Cervantes, and “A” singles in a small tournament in Farmington. Farmington was not a representative sample of "A" level quality, and I have since then been getting smacked down in the "A" division.
I haven’t decided if I want to step up my game to start taking “A” tournaments. Moving up from “B” to “A” was a huge amount of work, there isn't any money in Open/Pro level handball, and there are not many people I play recreationally at my level now. I am thinking I'd like to focus on helping other people develop their games, and play for fun more, than being extremely serious about taking it to the next level.
3.) Have a girlfriend for 6/12 or more months.
Artist / Nurse - May 12, 2013 - March 27, 2014. - 320 days = 10 months, 16 days
Single - March 28, 2014 - July 21, 2014 - 116 days = 3 months, 24 days
Economics Student - July 22, 2014 - October 17, 2014 - 88 days - 2 months, 26 days
Single - October 18, 2014 - January 4, 2015 = 79 days = 2 months, 18 days
Graphic Designer - January 5, 2015 - May, 15, 2015 - 121 days = 4 months, 1 day
Single - May 16 - today. - 127 days = 4 months, 4 days.
Total Days = 851
Single Days = 322
Relationship Days = 529
62% of the total time, so I accomplished this.
I feel pretty good about this one. When it became completely obvious that things were totally messed up, I improved at walking away from a horrible situation. Ideally, things wouldn't be framed on the "quick exit" strategy, and instead on an "awesome situation" strategy, but I'm not quite there yet.
4.) Save NN,NNN in cash.
This one was really, really variable. I pushed a ton of money into my construction projects, and saved a bunch when busy with software and not busy with construction. Now, I'm investing in software development labor to try and grow Noventum, but that tends to be revenue driven (which is nice) so there isn't too much of an impact on my savings goals. Towards the beginning of 2013, my savings were totally inadequate, but towards the end things stabilized more. Now, I don't see any kind of an issue with savings.
5.) After I have NN,NNN saved, put all money towards construction.
Pretty good on this, but still not awesome. I have gotten better at paying people to do things, but I’m still not 100% comfortable after the massive contractor delay/problem I experienced. I've progressed with construction, but am not quite done.
6.) Pay back all non-bank-mortgage debts.
100% on this. I borrowed some money to kill PMI, and during a refinance when the value went way down on my property due to general market trends.
7.) Work on being more kind, loving and compassionate.
I think I got better at this. The only thing I really wish I had done differently was treat girlfriend #1 above better towards the end of our relationship. Otherwise, when my other relationships became toxic, I basically left, and/or didn't pursue the other person really hard when they left. Otherwise, I think things went well. This is still not done, and probably will never be.
8.) Support my parents in their decision to buy a house in Albuquerque however I can.
100%. I help them on projects all the time, helped them get it rented to my Russian friend, and am generally supportive and positive. The next stage in this goal is to help them with their desire to provide short term vacation rentals when they are not in Albuquerque.
9.) Keep occupancy for rental property at 100%.
Albuquerque had about two months of vacancy on three units over two years, which wasn’t bad. One was because of a tenant bailing on me early during the summertime and I spent a bit of time on the repairs, and the other was when my worst tenants ever left and I had to do some repairs and improvements. This was less than 100%, but when I wrote this goal I was living in one of the units. Now, this is around 185% with the addition of another rental.
10.) Continue to progress in the Russian language.
I'm happy with this. I finished 202, 301 and 302 with “A”s. I got a “B” in the insane-o two week summer course, and have been speaking with friends. I'm taking Russian 401 now, and past that I believe there is one more Russian language class UNM offers.
Overall, I am happy with how this revision of yearly goals turned out.