Tuesday, July 19, 2011

First Squish Testing Problem Overcome

I have been working on getting Squish testing going for the application my company produces, FLOW-3D. So far, we have been very happy with the level of support FrogLogic is giving us, and Squish seems like a great product. My involvement with this technology is just beginning, and I like it. Others' at my organization have more experience using Squish than I do.

One difficulty I was able to overcome that I wanted to post about was the "Either the application could not be started, or it was started but Squish failed to connect to it" error message I was receiving. After Google'ing this error message, a number of posts said that this was due to an incompatible version of Qt.

Error Message I was Receiving

However, I have Qt correctly configured on my machine, and selected the correct Qt directory while installing Squish.

The problem was because I was trying to test a debug version of our software. After selecting the non-debug version, everything worked fine. The installation documentation mentions this:
Using Squish with Qt debug libraries

The prebuilt binary packages are built against release versions of the Qt libraries—not against the debug versions. If you want to use Squish with Qt debug libraries you will need to build Squish from source. (See Installation for Testing Pure Qt 4 Applications (Section

I wanted to create a quick post to help others (both inside my organization and outside) if they encountered this error message and didn't know why. For me, it was because I was trying to test a debug version of my software, which the Squish installer does not support.

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